TÜBİTAK-BİDEB-2209/A, 2012 1. Period, Comparison of wintering ability and survival rates treaded and non treaded Honey bee Colonies against Varroa (varroa destructor) in Trace Region. (Principal investigator: Onur Görkem Akyol, Investigators: Umut Özer, Onur Bayram Kavak, Kader Sevinç Vural, Supervisor : Devrim Oskay. Finished).
TÜBİTAK-BİDEB-2209/A, 2013 1. Period, The evaluation of knowledge and attitude of academicians and students in Trakya region regarding to biotechnological research. (Principal investigator: Harun Sami Çiftçi, Investigators: Muhammet Turgut, Ceren Elibol, Gizem Taymaz, Supervisor: Sheida Daneshvar-Royandezagh)